Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy February All!

Aren't you all happy that spring will be here soon???? Okay, you lucky folks with nicer weather year round aren't probably as appreciative as us northerners holed up in our houses all winter. Anyway, we've weren't totally holed up this past month. We made a trip to Wisconsin to visit the newest addition to the Lins side, Sansa Elizabeth Lins. She's so darling!!!! We're excited to finally have her here and she's blessed to have Clay and Trista as parents. Below is the first photo shoot (of many to come I'm sure) of Grace and Sansa. I couldn't help but to pick these bows up at the mall for the girls. So Texas, don't you think Mandi????!

We also got to take a ride on the North Freedom train while we were there. Duane went with us and Josiah had a you can see from the picture! Josiah has never sat so well than this 1 hour train ride.
We're getting settled into our new home. I got my dad to put his talent to good use in Grace's soon to be bedroom and Grace over saw the job.

Speaking of Grace, she is getting so fun. She is becoming more and more attentive each day. She started smiling and cooing last month. She's just starting to giggle now so I hope I can attach a clip of her laughing with my next posting.

Josiah has been a champ with this transition into brotherhood. He's learned to share us and help out with getting stuff for baby. The first week in February, Ryan had a work trip to San Antonio and took Josiah along with him since my sister and her family live down there. Check out the link Tucker Town on our blog for the whole story, my sister documented it well! He had a great time with his cousin Faith. I was showing him different facial expressions the other day and this is Josiah's attempt at a frown face. Gotta love the kid!

1 comment:

The Tuckers said...

I love the job dad did on the wall. Can you send me a picture of the finished product? By the way, Josiah's frown looks exactly like yours.