Monday, January 12, 2009

How in the world do people manage with 2+ kids????
Seriously, we have a whole new respect for both sets of parents, who have managed to raise 3 somewhat normal kids of thier own. I feel like I have spent a great deal of my waking moments changing diapers, cleaning up food/spit up off faces and doing laundry. Ryan has been a trooper. Before and after work, he's helping out right alongside of me!
Last month, our family attended five family Christmas gatherings between Minnesota and Wisconsin. Needless to say, we're happy to see the holidays over and get settled into our new home.
Grace is growing fast and has already endured a mild cold. Josiah is starting to figure out Grace is a permanent fixture in our family and seems to be handling it far. He loves to kiss her, and point/poke at her eyes and know where she is at all times. It's unreal how many words he has started saying this past month and counting in his own specaial order is a favorite past time -"one, two, five, nine". He's got four more years before he has to figure it out!
Ryan is liking having an at home office. He's been able to turn one of the rooms in our basement into his office "cave". A great setup as he can hang all the pictures he loves (and I, not so fond of).
Hope all of you have had a great Christmas. Lots of you have started blogs recently, thanks for sending them our way!


Anonymous said...

Sorry Ryan and Katie but this is for Duane and Bonnie.
SOMEWHAT NORMAL KIDS!!! Did you catch that?

Sami and Justin said...

I love all the grand babies matching pjs even Grace, that must be a Nana thing. Too cute. She is getting big and Josiah is just as cute as always. I think I might have time to web cam Friday. Maybe we can set that up. I'll trying getting up with you later this week love the update!

Danielle said...

You have such a beautiful family Katie. Dave and I are having a baby boy in March.

Anonymous said...

Ryan & Katie!! So good to find you guys!! Congratuations on your growing family! Your kids are beautiful and Katie, you look amazing! I think about you often and I recently saw Myra and she gave me the scoop on your new little one and mentioned your blog. So glad to hear all is well! We're up in the Portland area and now have 2 kids as well. Colby is 3.5 years and Emmalyn is 8 months. So fun to have one of each, isn't it? Stay in touch!

Love, Brittany & Joe Turco

Jamie said...

Congratulations, Ryan and Katie! It is fun to see pictures and know that you four are doing well.

Keep in touch.
