Another couple months have passed since our last post so I figured it was time to get caught up on our blogging....
With the help of some very dedicated family members (a.k.a. Mark and Don), we built a swingset for the kids. Josiah has found a love of tools in the meantime. Grace seemed to enjoy just supervising the whole project.
My sister Mandi and her daughter Faith came to visit us mid April and we had lots of fun. We went up to pick them up from the airport and as evidenced by the picture, Josiah and Faith were slightly happy to see eachother.
One of the highlights of thier visit was going to Como Zoo and Arboritum. Very neat to vist and free!
A few pictures from our visit to Wisconsin a few weeks ago. Even after "helping" dad and Opa rake hay for an hour, Josiah still wasn't ready to be done with his tractor ride.
That's all for now. Hope to get to see some of you this summer if life allows! God Bless.
I LOVE the picture of Grace in her pink get-up!!!
Ryan and Katie! great Blog the kids are getting so big.
Well, well the Lins' are busy folks traveling by plane, ATV, horse, tractor. Now you just a boat and you've covered anywhere you gotta go. It's been awhile, we should catch up someday!
I loved!! For me was fantastic!!!
Yor're kids are beautifull!!!
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