Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April Showers

Happy April to all!
Another three months have managed to slip past me without getting a new post out. I would like to blame it on moving, having an overly active child and being gone almost every weekend but the fact is, I just haven't made time to do it so my apologies! I am going to condense three months into a digestable amount so if you want any more details, you'll just have to call us!
Ryan's dad, Duane, decided this was the year to get out of the dairy business since his herdsman was leaving. So in February, we made the short trip (4 1/2 hours is short now compared to 17 hours!) to Wisconsin to help out at his auction where he liquidated his entire herd! He also sold all of his feed and some equipment. A big change for a guy used to getting up in the wee hours of the morning and putting in a lot of hours. He is still going to be busy crop farming and hauling with his semi but he'll have more time to spend with his wife, kids and grand kid. Yeah!
Josiah started walking in Febrauary and hasn't stopped. Both sets of grandparents aren't surprised as both of us were early walkers, lucky us. Day by day, he gets more independent...I want my baby back!
In March, we moved the horses from Katie's aunt's place in Austin, Minnesota to a place in Ames. We are hoping to get them over here by the end of the summer once we have a barn and some fence up. We are also having to get a horse pasture established so hopefully the weather will cooperate...we won't hold our breath on that.
Mandi, my sister, and her daughter, Faith, came up from San Antonio for three weeks and we got to spend some good, quality time together. We spent a night at a hotel with a toddler pool. Josiah's confidence was temporarily squashed when he realized he couldn't get himself upright when he fell down in the water, unlike his bathtub. After clinging for life for about 10 minutes, he got over it and got busy splashing and yelling at everyone.

Josiah turned one this month!!!! We can't believe this little guy is walking, talking and showing off. God is good, he's been a healthy kid so far, we count our blessings. Josiah got to celebrate his big day in Minnesota with his older cousin Faith, she turns two this month. We did a safari theme with zebra striped and lion faced cupcakes... I am sure this ambition will wear off in a few years.

We also celebrated his one year in Wisconsin with Ryan's side and we had a great time. Oma made a huge brunch spread with a lime green cake with sprinkles, Opa helped Josiah get messy (er) eating his cake.

Josiah also got a great birthday present from us...a sibling! Yes, we are expecting again in December. It seems my goal is to have a child every year. Not totally expected but completely thankful.
I also started watching a four month old three days out of the week. Good practice for Josiah. Hopefully it won't get too crazy around here. We'll see how Josiah handles this "adjustment".

Ryan is really busy right now with new job since they are getting ready for planting season. He's had not much time for fun so I hope we can make up for it this summer!
Thank you so much to all who have visited here in Ames and we look forward to more visitors.
God Bless,
Ryan, Katie, Josiah and Baby Lins


Chaplain Sam said...

Josiah a year old? He can't be that old yet? He is really growing fast. :-)

We miss you guys being at SWC. Lots of exciting things going on there. God is doing a work.

Thanks for posting the update. Our love to your two fellows.

Sam & Margaret

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! How exciting to be having another baby! Josiah is growing up way too fast - I too can't believe he's one already. We miss you guys and wish you could come back for a visit. May God richly bless your family. Love yous! Sharon and Pastor Dan

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!! I'm so happy for you. What a busy Christmas season you will have! What a blessing.

Josiah sure is a cutie! One, WOW!

I miss you all and SWC misses you too. Like Sam said, "God is doing a work" so Satan is busy too. Keep us in your prayers.

Love y'all!
Sharon D.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Josiah and his messy birthday face! He's cute no matter what condition his face is in!

Love You!

Sara & Ava

Anonymous said...

I'd like to make a trip to IA this summer to see Steph and the kiddies...I could drive up to Ames from Bonaparte? Luz you! Angie

JOCON said...

Hi Katie. So happy to have your blog. I have been thinking of you, and miss your smile! Another baby- wonderful. Josiah is just adorable. I will keep checking to see updates! Take care. Connie

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the baby coming. Joe and I are expecting in December also! Taylor is 4mo old so they will be 11mo apart! I guess our goal was to have 2 in one year!!! Which is going to happen! Good luck and congrats! Wish us luck!! Denise & Joe