Thursday, January 31, 2008

Welcome 2008!

Greetings in 2008 Friends and Family~

We are so happy to be able to update you from our new home in Ames, Iowa! Despite the fact we moved to a place where it's 20 degrees colder for most of the year, we are so excited about our new move. We're only 2 1/2 hours away from Katie's parents and 4 1/2 hours away from Ryan's parents. Close enough to visit more often but far enough that they have to call before they come. Just kidding you guys!

A brief overview of what has happened with us over the past couple months....

December 3rd, we took off from our home, which is still up for sale, in Delaware. A caravan of 4 adults (Ryan's parents came to help and haul), an 8 month old, a dog and two horses. It was a very sad goodbye that morning with our neighbors and dear friends, Joe and Pat Ford. Praise the Lord, the weather was cooperative the whole way with the exception of a little snow storm in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Everyone faired the trip well, including the horses to our surprise. They quickly adapted to the colder weather and are now big furballs! We were able to spend some good quality time with family over Christmas and Josiah got his first haircut. The haircut was essential and he was beginning to sport a mullet!

One last shot before we head for the Wisconsin slopes to go sledding on a car hood.

Josiah has gotten the hang of this opening presents task.
Nana couldn't resist getting the grandbabies matching sleepers.

Ames is a great place to live with lots to do. Our new home is in a rural subdivision at the end of the cul de sac. We have a little over 2 acres so yes, we will be having a barn/fence raising later this spring/early summer! Stay tuned for more details on that. Ryan thinks he's in heaven because there's absolutely NOTHING that needs to be fixed, tweaked, insulated, caulked or waterproofed on this home! Even though the house was built in 2000, there aren't even any nail holes or scratches anywhere in the house. In fact, Ryan and his dad, Duane, had to put up blinds in the bedrooms and bathrooms the weekend after we got there so we didn't give our neighbors any bad first impressions! ;) We still have a bedroom dedicated for guests so please give us a call next time you're in the area and we can put you up for a small fee.

Ryan is enjoying his new position with Syngenta, as a Marketing Research Agronomist/Site Leader. He gets to work directly with farmers, which is what he has been wanting to do more of. We do however, miss all of our dear friends we have made back in Delaware and of course...Ryan misses his big gray company truck he had back with his old job!

A last activity with our church's youth group..a highway cleanup!

A last gathering with the Whalens(they owned the farm where Ryan did research in Maryland).

Josiah is growing like crazy. He waves hello and bye, which looks more like he's shifting gears on a motorcycle than waving.... wonder where that came from??? He is cruising and on his way to walking very soon. This will also serve as Katie's new exercise program!

That's all for now, please keep us all posted with your happenings as well, we love to hear from you all!


Chaplain Sam said...

Ryan & Katie-
I'm so glad you have a blog so that we can see pictures of the kid :-).

Really, we like staying in touch with all of you.

Blessings on the entire family. Have a great time in Iowa. (Do you have a snow blower yet?)

Jamie said...

Ryan and Katie,

It is fun to get a glimpse into your new place. I hope you are settling in and enjoying where God has taken you.

We have also started a blog to keep people posted on the happenings in the Harms household. The word graduation has been used for this summer...we will see.

Hope all is well. Keep in touch.


Jessa said...

Please, please, please update!
I want to see pics of Josiah!! (and you guys too=])

Jess O

Sami and Justin said...

Hey just wanted to let you know that I started a blog but I haven't really done a whole lot with it yet. Love you guys and miss ya.