In my attempt to get in at least one more post before the end of the year, I will fill you in to what's happening in the Lins Lair. Amazingly, there are no new babies on the way, job changes or moves to another state. In fact, I finally made the commitment to switch my Ames cell phone number to a local number, gasp! It was difficult, I must admit. But it had to be done.
Our family took a road trip down to Texas last month to see my sister and her family. Now Josiah knows how far Texas is from Minnesota! She just had her second baby, Zachary, and they moved to a new home in San Antonio shortly before he arrived! The kids had a blast together on Faith's new swingset in their backyard and cooking in Faith's kitchen. I overheard Josiah telling Faith as he was playing in her kitchen "okay Faith, I'm gonna make you some lunch but then you have to take your nap!" I wonder where he's heard that before?
We had a great garden this year. My sister, Sara, and I collaborated our efforts (quite ambitously I might add) and did one BIG garden. We'll do it again next year but maybe downsize just a tad. ;)
For a birthday party on Halloween, Josiah was a fierce pirate and Grace was the most charming little stinker I've ever seen.
We entered Porter in the pet contest during Mantorville's Fall Festival to get some more miles out of his Leopard costume I made him years ago. To our surprise, he won it! Must have had a few sympathy votes in there.
For all who have kids and live close to Byron, go to Tweite's Pumpkin Patch in October for their fall festivities. So much fun for the kids! They have huge slides, piles of tires to climb up, drums made out of plastic barrels squeezed in round bale feeders, tractor rides, a kiddie town and so much more. Our MOPs (Mothers of Preschoolers) group went with the kids and despite the really cold temperature, they had a great time.
Grace started walking a little over a month ago. So much for the laid back child! Once she figured out how to crawl, it was all over. She follows Josiah every where even though she get plowed over or "accidently" pushed over every five minutes. When she does something she's not suppose to be doing and I tell her no sternly, she'll break down and cry like you've just broke her heart. I can't help not laughing.
Josiah helped "Opa" (Ryan's dad) last weekend on the combine. He was so excited to ride in it he fell asleep. He really did love it, I just think he was a bit overwhelmed, then exhausted!
No promises but I'll try to generate another post before the end of the year. Thanks for filling us in on your lives and have a great Thanksgiving!